The Space Inbetween

The Space Inbetween
April 29, 2018 admin
May 12, 2018 @ 9:00 am – May 13, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
By Donation

The Space In Between

Many of us are being stripped down—What was once hidden is arising to the surface and being revealed. It can feel raw; and a deep tenderness emerges when things fall away.

It is inevitable in life that things will fall away. It can come in the form of a death, midlife crisis, spiritual emergence, the ending of a relationship, or a health crisis. It arises in a myriad of forms and is unique for each of us.

When our old worlds breakdown, we often feel devastated, lost, ungrounded and confused. As if our core has been shaken and there is no safe place to land. The world and self that was once familiar, feels unknown the path no longer clear.

There is much to strip away—layers of conditioning, limiting thoughts and patterning.

When we trust our own process of unfolding, this is the ‘Space in between’. A place of letting go of a constant need to be doing and allow a space of being. This is a moment of pause, a time to still the mind and come back to the body.

This space is the pause, the void, and the unknown. It is a place of uncertainty; it is where magic is birthed. It is a space that is filled with potential but also with grief. Letting go of something can be challenging, we can often hold onto the threads of the old, the familiar, and the comfortable. There is often a pull to fill the space in between or to run from it. If we can allow ourselves the grace of not having to get anywhere, this space is the birthplace of our creativity and our life force.

This workshop is a journey into the Space in between. We will move through a space of embodiment, connecting to our deepest body wisdom in the form of dance, ritual, and myth. We will explore transpersonal processes and tools to facilitate a closer connection to our innate wisdom. We will traverse from the old world, sit in the space in between and discover an emerging new world.

On our two day journey we will follow the map of Joseph Campbell’s heroes journey entering from the old world, the liminal world (the space in between) to the new world.

“One day in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” Freud

This workshop is an opening to create deeper connection with our inner knowing. Embodiment is the common thread throughout our workshop.

We will move through elements of dance, myth, ritual and poetry, all compelling ways that speak the language of the soul. These ancient ways bypass the logical mind and create powerful ways for our inner wisdom and guidance to come through. Free from our defenses, constructs and stories.

This is a gentle space of compassion, patience and presence.

We are all a journey and by witnessing one another we realize that we are connected and surrounded by community.

Our two days together are about our shared collective wisdom that we all share, our coming together will be from a space of support and showing up just as we are.

Workshop Facilitators:

This workshop is being offered for free as part of our Adv Diploma in Transpersonal Counselling Practical Work with IKON Institute.

*Lead Facilitator – Samantha Neveah Love*

Samantha is in the final month of completing an Advanced Dip of Transpersonal Counselling and currently studying a Bachelor of Integrative Psychotherapy.

Samantha has been on a journey of embracing wholeness and discovering her deeper wisdom of what makes her flourish and come alive. Her passion is around group therapy, existentialism and showing up in her authenticity, an ongoing learning and adventure.

Samantha lives a simple life deep in the forest with her two little loves. Samantha is a photographer and life story gatherer and is currently completing the Souls of Byron Bay book

*Co-Facilitators – Chloe Ann Francis and Isabel Lamar*

Chloe and Isabel will be co-facilitating/supporting this workshop. They are both also completing the Adv Dip in Transpersonal Counselling and have much wisdom from years of exploring similar psycho-spiritual paths.


Please book by contacting me at .

By Donation

This is a free workshop but we ask that you make a donation to venue. WILDSPACE is a not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to offering a place where community can come together to learn, grow and heal and is run on a gifting economy. Your donation supports this community space to thrive.

Suggested donation for the two days is $50-100